Thanks for your support in 2019
19 Dec 2019
As we wind down from another busy year we would like to take an opportunity to say thanks to all our wonderful clients, consultants and project partners.
From small residential alterations to major new tourism infrastructure, we’ve had all sorts of projects on the go this year, none of which would have been possible without the help of such talented collaborators.
To name a few highlights, Stillwater Seven gained significant attention in tourism and design circles, Kosaten Launceston won the Alexander North Award for Interior Design at the AIA Tasmania Awards, and just last month marked the official opening of the Protagonist Cafe & Bar on the forecourt of Arts Centre Melbourne.
Meanwhile, on site construction is racing ahead on a number of milestone Cumulus projects including the Cradle Mountain Gateway Precinct, Hotel Verge in Launceston and the Goulburn Street Affordable Housing in Hobart.
We also welcomed some stellar new additions to the Cumulus team in Senior Architect Andrew Grimsdale, Graduate Chi Chee Goh and Architect Edwina Brisbane.
Looking back, 2019 was a year full of exciting new opportunities and we can’t wait to get back into it next year.
As for the Christmas formalities, Cumulus Studio offices will be closed from COB Friday 20 December and will reopen on Monday, 6 January 2020.
On behalf of everyone at Cumulus, have a great holiday break!