Jess gives generously. Ideas, new research, think pieces. It’s all shared. For Jess, collaboration is at the heart of successful and life-changing spaces.
Designing for dignity and the notion of human resilience are the fundamental steers of Jess’s practice. She has an innate and visceral desire to create environments that make people feel safe. Spaces that amplify the value of what people have and the way they live. The idea that scarcity offers its own kind of abundance resonates with Jess. Designing with a smaller footprint and using what we already have is an inherent part of her process.
Jess’s detailed design understanding comes in part from her wide-ranging industry experience, stretching from homewares to stone and porcelain to lighting and interior design. She’s joined the team as she completes her Masters of Architecture at the University of Tasmania.
A lucky ‘behind the scenes’ tour inside Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura’s ‘Walden 7’ has always stayed with Jess. She believes this building’s sensitive urban living principles go beyond what we value now, and is something we must come back to. And, for a brief afternoon, she was able to become lost in all its mystical wonder.